Sunday, August 24, 2014

Medifast Cherry Vanilla Puffs

Cherry Vanilla Puffs

1 pkg. Cherry Pomegranite Antioxidant Shake
1 pkg. French Vanilla Shake
1/2 t.  Vanilla
1/2 t.  Baking Powder
3 T.    Water
3-4 halves Pecans (optional) add 1/2 Optional snack

Mix all ingredients together. Drop T size onto parchment paper on cookie sheet. Cook for approx. 9 - 11 mins. 350 deg.  Enjoy!

Makes 6

1  Medifast serving = 3 puffs

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Medifast Peanut Butter Cup Recipe TSFL

I wanted to share a recipe that I have been perfecting for awhile. My husband loves peanut butter cups and we have them in the house regularly for him. I wanted to try to make something comparable that would keep my on my Medifast plan. I think this is pretty close. Hope you like!

Medifast Peanut Butter Cups

1 pkg. Brownie Soft Bake
1T. PB2 powdered peanut butter
4 small Dixie type paper cups

In bowl add pkg. of brownie soft bake. Add 2T. of water. Mix
In another bowl add PB2 and about 1T. water. Mix
Separate in fourths, and put brownie mixture in the bottom of 4 small dixie cups. Then put the PB2 mixture on top of brownie mixture.
Freeze for 2 hours. Enjoy!

= 1 Medifast meal

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. If you are interested in the Take Shape for Life program using Medifast foods and are in need of a health coach (at no cost to you), reach out...I would love to talk to you. This program has changed my life, it can change yours as well! Until next time...Martha

Take Shape For Life Coaching is so much fun!

As a health coach with Take Shape for Life, and using Medifast foods for optimal health, I have been experimenting with new meal recipes.

In my attempt to share my new health journey working hard to attain optimal health, I am making small changes to reach that goal.

Becoming a health coach with Take Shape For Life has been such an exciting adventure for me. Helping others and making so many new friends, also helps me stay on track with my own health plan.

If you have any questions or comments about the recipes to come or the Take Shape for Life program, please feel free to contact me. If you're looking for a health coach at no cost to you, and are interested in starting the Medifast food plan, I would love to speak with you! 

Until next time...Martha